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Estação da Juventude - Curso de Inglês - Teacher J.B.


quinta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2011

Immediate Conversation Two


1- How are you?
2- How's it going?
3- Where are you going to?
4- How are you feeling today?

Answers :

1- I'm fine, thanks. What about you?
I'm so-so. What about you?
I'm not very well. What about you?

2- It's going good. What about you?
It's going so-so. What about you?
It's not going very well. What about you?

3- I'm going back home.
I'm going to my friend's house.
I'm going to the movies.
I'm going to the bakery.
I'm going to school.
I'm going to the party.

4- I'm feeling good.
I'm feeling so-so.
I'm not feeling well.



* Oh my Gosh! - Meu Deus! / Minha nossa! / Caraca!
* Really? - Sério? / Mesmo?
* No way! - De jeito nenhum/ Nem pensar
* I can't believe that! - Mentira / Não acredito
* It's none of your business! - Não é da sua conta.
* What a pity ! - Que peninha.

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