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Estação da Juventude - Curso de Inglês - Teacher J.B.


sábado, 24 de setembro de 2011

Where are you going to?

Where are you going to?

* Essa pergunta é muito comum em inglês. As pessoas sempre querem saber para onde estamos indo. Nem sempre existe um interesse real, mas é um hábito perguntar. Vamos , nessa postagem, praticar diversas formas de responder essa perguntinha e , consequentemente, aplicar o vocabulário que aprendemos em sala. Are you ready? Prontos?


Hi, Primo Break!
Hello, teacher J.
Where are you going to?
I'm going to C.J.180. What about you?
I'm going to the bank.
Ok. I'm a little late. I see you later.
See you.


Good Morning Barbara!
Good Morning Carioca.
Where are you going to?
I'm going to my boyfriend's house.
Oh really?
Does your mother know that you are dating?
It's none of your business!


Good Morning Kathleen!
Hi, Jéssica! Nice day , isn't it?
Yep. We are on spring time. The flowers season. I love flowers!
So do I. Where are you going to?
I'm going to the bakery to buy some breads.
Oh I love bakery bread.
Oh really? Would you like to have breakfast with us?
Oh my gosh! I would love it!
So, let's go!


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